
Warrants for Blogging Against Humanity

These are welcome, but also - long overdue. Why has it taken this long? Surely it would have been a lot better all around had this happened before the Rafah incursion.

Anyways, more pressure on stopping Israel's military campaign is obviously welcome. And the people who are outraged by it (like Biden) will have their most powerful weapons taken away - and that is the appeal to defend Israel. Because you see, these warrants are not being issued for "Israel" - they are for "Benjamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Gallant".

No one likes Bibi. Us anti-war folks obviously hate him. The normally non-fascist liberals who reflexively defend Israel hate him- i.e. they love Israel but the hate Bibi. The sycophantic centrist "Vote Blue No Matter Who" crowd hate him - even as Biden burns what is left of his reputation to defend him. Progressive Israelis hate him. Right-wing Israelis hate him. Centrist Israelis hate him. Everybody hates this guy.

It's weird that Biden is defending him. This is not going to get the same leeway that he gets when he says blatantly and obviously false bullshit in order to support genocide. In those cases, Biden casts himself as defending Israel. That's still popular (although it is now a lot less so). This is defending Netanyahu - a position favoured by very few people. That said - it is also completely unsurprising.  All that talk of Biden "losing patience" or becoming "increasingly frustrated" with Netanyahu are of course just bullshit. It's been very obvious for a long while now - that Biden values Israeli leadership far more than he values international law.

Will these warrants end the war? Probably not. As Netanyahu himself noted - "the Hague will not stop us." But it should make a difference. 

As I noted in my previous post, the war ends when domestic support for it falls below a critical threshold. Once the countries expending immense resources and losing their military personnel lose enough public support, the war will end. And having war crimes warrants out for the leaders of these countries will contribute to a loss of public support.

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