
Campaign Slogans

Maybe these aren't important - but good ones seem to have a life of their own. Arguably, being able to craft a slogan that resonates means that the campaign is not out of touch, so maybe it's just that campaign performance and good slogans are both dependent on the same thing - a good campaign run by people who know what they are doing. But even the not amazing ones that we assume are forgettable, we all do still remember.

Yes We Can.
Build Back Better.

Those resonated. Even Hillary's "I'm With Her" was a good slogan - it's just that America is misogynist and Clinton really wasn't likable to a very large chunk of the electorate. And of course, Trump's 2016 slogan still serves as a rallying cry for petulant babies wallowing in grievance politics.  MAGA will probably be a lasting scar that we'll not forget even after all of this is over. It's Morning In America and It's The Economy Stupid still live with us -so MAGA will likely stink up the joint long after we've all shuffled off the mortal coil.

Biden's 2024 slogan is "Finish The Job". Now to be clear, this was unveiled back in April 2023, well before circumstances made this an awkward slogan to rally around. "Finish The Job" banners are just not going to work next to "Genocide Joe" protest signs. Or rather, it will work well - just not in a way that helps Biden in the slightest.

And it appears that it is still the slogan - although his campaign team does seem to recognize that now is not the right time to lean into it. But with June closing in and no new slogan in sight, well I guess the plan is for all of this unpleasantness in the Middle East getting wrapped up well before the convention.  Ha-ha, good luck. People are not going to forget.

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