
The New Blogging Deal

 HahHahaHhahahha.  Mission Accomplished.

The deal is literally the same as the deal Hamas offered earlier.

Phase 1 - Israel withdraws from Gaza. Palestinians allowed freedom of movement within Gaza. Most hostages and many prisoners released.  6-weeks.

Phase 2 - The sticking point - a permanent ceasefire. Return of remaining hostages.

Phase 3 - the gruesome part. exchanging corpses.

So some observations - the permanent ceasefire is still the sticking point. It's not guaranteed - but the US and other regional countries are backing is. This is literally the thing that caused Netanyahu to flip his shit last time. IOW, this "new" deal being offered by Israel is literally the deal they called delusional a few weeks ago.

EDIT: Here's a weird piece of strangeness.  Biden opened his statements saying that this was a comprehensive proposal from Israel. Then he closed his statements asking both Hamas and Israel to agree to it. WTF? 

EDIT 2: Here's what Hamas agreed to at the beginning of this month. It is basicallyidentical to this "new" comprehensive peace plan that Biden is pushing. 

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