
Community Notes

Yes, Twitter is dead - a heaving mass of racists and 4chan refugees flinging poo at everything that draws close because Elon has decided that those are the voices that need to be amplified. But sometimes we get a reminder of why Twitter was good - even when that reminder is a new thing that Musk introduced.

In the aftermath of the Tent Massacre, Canada's Foreign Minister Melanie Joly tweeted out that she was horrified by the atrocity. It did take over 30 hours for her to say shit about it but eventually she tweeted something out. And then the community notes skewered her and highlighted how full of shit she is. So badly that this tweet is now deleted.

I don't know what that says about how morally bankrupt the whole thing is - that she cannot condemn horrific war crimes and as a result, Canada cannot condemn horrific war crimes - because it is embarrassing for her. I guess the lesson is that genocide is like gang initiation rites - once you're complicit and involved in the criminal enterprise, you're unable to speak out against it because that would be incriminating yourself.

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