
At Least They Are Consistent

So, they are doing hearing-type investigations in Israel over the epic failures of the IDF on October 7. Here's an article about it. Here's a big takeaway - the IDF is consistent in their approach, whether they are answering the US, the ICJ, or the Israeli cabinet.
“All matters regarding the warning we gave about October 7 are being dealt with in internal investigations. If you meant in your question that we knew and ignored or that we wanted such a thing to happen – that’s not even worthy of a response,” Halevi shot back.

They are investigating - so shut up with the questions. This is how the US answers questions asked about misconduct from the IDF - Israel is investigating, what more do you want? Also too - after not answering the question and kicking he can down the road, there is the classic taking offense at the question even being asked. For reference, this was a cabinet minister that asked the question, one of Netanyahu's cabinet ministers. One identified by the Times of Israel as being "known for her loyalty to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu".

So we at least have this - the IDF is using the very same "ongoing investigations" excuse regardless of whomever it is they are addressing.

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