
It's Worse. A Lot Worse. But That Does Not Change the Perpetual Observation About Gaza

It's going to get worse.

It's closing in on a week now - where the IDF has sat on the Rafah crossing and denied any aid from entering the territory. The expulsion orders now cover a third of a million refugees - sick, injured, starving, being forced to relocate yet again. I can't imagine that the full blown famine in northern Gaza has eased up. But this is still not rock bottom. The people running Israel are now even more fully committed to this genocidal mission they have appointed themselves. The people with any power to stop it are using all of that power to ensure that it continues as long as possible.

The IDF has moved back into the Jabailya refugee camp in Gaza City to retake areas they "cleared" months ago. And this isn't the first time they've had to move back into some of those areas. Hamas is still launching rockets. Israel said that 50 of their soldiers were injured in fighting yesterday. And we're supposed to believe that Hamas has been weakened.

It's getting worse for Israelis too. Not just the police crackdowns on protests and demonstrations inside Israel, but also their standing in the world. Israel's reputation has plummeted all around the world. The campus protests and encampments in the US have now spread to many other countries. The BDS movement has never been stronger and they have won concessions on multiple fronts.

And that's not going to change. People are not going to shrug off the genocide and pretend it never happened. And as conditions continue to deteriorate in Gaza, more and more people are going to be pushed over their personal lines.

I was hopeful for a moment. When Biden said that he was suspending arms transfers to Israel - he had acknowledged that US weapons almost certainly were used to kill civilians and that he was holding back a shipment of bombs and shells. But then, genocidaires just gotta genocide. Biden is still fully supportive of this insane and impossible task of "destroying Hamas" with bombs and guns and tanks and apparently tens of thousands of murdered civilians. Apparently, that is his plan to "win" peace - kill enough people and maybe they will learn their lesson.

That's where we're at folks. Endless killing in pursuit of an impossible goal, using methods that make the goal less and less achievable. And they can't turn it around - they need to "destroy Hamas" because otherwise they would be admitting that the horrors inflicted on Gaza have been for nothing. So it is going to get worse. And after that, it will continue to get worse.

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