
The LA Fires have nothing to do with Climate Change

There's a lot of stuff about the fires that enrages me - but I'm just going to focus on some of the pettier items.

It's not climate change - it's just tweakers and the homeless setting off fires.

As if tweakers and homeless people in LA is a brand new phenomenon that only started in 2025.

This fucking ludicrous nonsense doesn't even answer the question - why are these fires so bad right now? Why do we have crazy wildfires starting the end of the first week of January? "Oh it's homeless tweakers." Really? Does not make a lick of sense.

Does anyone remember Smokey the Bear? About preventing forest fires? Remember what the evil culprit of forest fires was? Discarded cigarettes. Tobacco use among adults in California has dropped from over 15% in 2001 to 6.2% twenty years later. Even if somehow homeless tweakers were a fire hazard, this does not make up for the three and a half million fewer smokers. FFS.

OTOH, here's a look at 2024 rainfall versus normals:

The fact that it has not rained in LA since May might have something to do with the fires. And these extreme weather patterns - of longer drought periods followed by more extreme heavy rainfall - exactly what the climate change people have been saying is coming since forever.

Greater Los Angeles has a population of over 18 million. The solution is not expecting that none of these people are ever going to cause fires, intentionally or unintentionally. Lightning still happens. Fires are going to happen - they always have. The issue isn't the starting of the fire, it's the fuel conditions around the fire.

It's like - storing multiple open drums of gasoline in your house and then blaming the loss of the building on static electricity or somesuch. 

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