
Genocide Genocide Everywhere and not a Drop to Drink

In reverse chronological order:

Yesterday, HRW accused Israel of acts of genocide by depriving Gazans of access to water, including things like destroying vital water infrastructure.

July 29, US State Department says they are "seeking additional information" after an IDF soldier posted a video to social media of "blowing up the Tel Sultan water reservoir in honour of Shabbat".

July 27 - the IDF blows up Rafah's water reservoir.

Now for this timeline to be more accurate, please imagine around three or four entries per week in that five month span stating "US sends more bombs and weapons to Israel".

It's okay though Israel might still be investigating itself who needs water when you can be drinking 2,000 pound bombs? And I guess water is Hamas.  There were gunmen hiding with SCUBA tanks in the reservoir, the IDF could hear them as they casually filmed themselves wiring in explosives.

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