
A Deal You Cannot Refuse to Blog

So I got taken in by the "ceasefire deal". I had believed that this was an actual shift on the part of the US to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, but I was mistaken. US policy is unchanged - the actual ceasefire is dependent on Hamas ceasing to exist. That's how they can call it an Israeli proposal - this is also Israel's position - the war must continue until Hamas is destroyed.

What this really is? An even more extreme version of what the US has been trying to do for quite some time now. First it was framing a temporary pause in bombing that would absolutely be followed up with more war as a "ceasefire". This was when they were trotting out the line "an immediate ceasefire... for up to six weeks" /eyeroll

But now - it's "an immediate ceasefire (for up to six weeks!) followed by a permanent ceasefire (if Hamas agrees to dismantle itself completely)".

Just so that we understand how unbelievably fucking stupid this is - who are the parties to this ceasefire deal? Israel and ...? No one. Hamas is required to cease existing for the "ceasefire" to take place. And they expect Hamas to agree to this. It's not a ceasefire deal - it's yet another demand for complete and total surrender.

Here's the even more ludicrous part of it all - even if their wildest dreams come true and Hamas decides to retire the AK-47s and homemade rockets - what does that leave us with? I mean maybe the Biden plan is to just bribe Hamas with trucks full of money and a private island or a superyacht for them to retire to or whatever. I dunno - it just seems like such a nonsense idea. Still, let's give it to them - Hamas decides to fold and close up shop for a permanent ceasefire. What happens next?

I'm going to put this in the kindest and gentlest way possible for the stupid fucking paste eating psychopaths that think this is a desirable outcome. Look at Gaza right now. There are people living there who have legitimate and justified grievances against Israel. Even the fucking asshole Netanyahu supporters in the Biden Administration - including the smug ass condescending shitbags that they put on the podium at pressers - have agreed that Israel's conduct of the war has been problematic. What's going to happen with these people? Are Palestinian grievances going to be even remotely close to being adequately addressed? Yeah, and then pigs will fly out of my ass.

So where does that leave us? Thousands and thousands of parents who have lost children. A generation of orphans. Millions who have had their homes and communities turned to rubble. And then watching from refugee tents while the people responsible for the destruction celebrate their victory. I guess in magical State Department land this ends all hatred and animosity towards Israel and everything is all sunshine and roses next. How could terrorist ideology take hold with such amazingly wonderful conditions for Gaza? It's just so fucking stupid - an idea so moronic that it borders on causing actual physical pain with its stupidity.

And what of Israel? A little bit of light genocide resulting in the end of Hamas - that's bound to take the wind out of the messianic fascist extremists dreaming of a Greater Israel. FFS. Gantz may have left Netanyahu's ruling coalition but Bibi still holds 64 out of 120 seats. Of that coalition, it's Likud - and then a collection of ultra-conservative religious supremacy parties. If this delusional dream of Biden's happens - how does Israel find its way back to being not a fascist theocratic pariah state that love committing war crimes? Will this lower the stature of the Ben-Gvirs and Smotrichs in Israel? 

Really - this is just mind-blowingly awful shit. I've said for a long while that things are going to get worse, but it is starting to look like I may have been way too optimistic.

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