
Unilateral Recognition of Blogging

The sheer massive scale of the hypocrisy that is the US denouncing "unilateral" acknowledgements of statehood is mind blowing. I mean the fundamental component of it is bad enough, this idea that Palestinian self-determination is not a basic human right but rather a gift that Israel can choose to grant, BUT that it is the USA - a nation still pathologically consumed by its own origin story of revolution - well, just fucking beyond the pale.

Here is the analogy - the Declaration of Independence is a worthless document holding no force or validity because King George did not agree to it.

BUT WAIT! You might note that America had to win its independence with a costly bloody war after that declaration. And that is true. So really the analogy here is that Spain, Norway, and Ireland are the equivalent of France and Lafayette - obviously the villains of the American Revolution. How dare they unilaterally recognize American statehood before King George granted permission! /s

In addition to that - Gaza has already paid the blood price. The population of the USA during the Revolutionary War was about the same as the population of Gaza now - and the number of war dead back then is estimated at 25,000 to 70,000.  The official death toll in Gaza is over 35,000 with thousands more trapped under the rubble and an unknown number of bodies trapped in IDF controlled areas that remain uncounted.

Anyways - another massively disappointing but unsurprising thing is the sheer inability for the brain geniuses in the Biden Admin to recognize this sort of thing. It's like they are so sure of their righteousness that they cannot possibly conceive of any other way of looking at the situation (even though they have to constantly revise their position as Israel shits all over their plans). It was only recently that there was a leaked comment about how some in the US Unofficial Department of Genociding Muslims were worried that Hamas might be able to recruit fresh new fighters even during the active campaign of the war.  zomg! You don't say! /s

Israel is committing genocide on Gaza. Even if you're one of these stupid assholes who continue to insist that it is not genocide - surely you accept that Israel's military campaign has been horrible and filled with despicable acts of actual malice. The IDF soldiers won't let you forget this as they post a constant stream of themselves playing with the toys of the children they have recently murdered or expelled from their homes.

How do you think this looks to Gazans? Ones that have lost family members and friends to IDF violence. Who have lost their homes, entire neighbourhoods, maybe even entire towns to indiscriminate bombing? Maybe you're like the State Department assholes insisting that it is not genocide - but do you honestly believe that everybody shares your opinion in that?

There are uncountably many people who see it as genocide. Even among Americans, they are basically split on the question. What do you think the numbers are in the Middle East?

And confronting that genocide is Hamas. They are the resistance. Yes, they are also a terrorist organization - but their claims to being the righteous ones, to being the ones fighting against evil - these are all way more credible now than they have ever been. The profile of Hamas has massively increased since October 7th - and now being the primary force opposing an active campaign of genocide, one funded and backed by the world's remaining superpower. It is easy for them to spin a story casting themselves as legendary folk heroes. And it will get easier the longer this goes on. And underlying it all - Hamas is still a terrorist organization. And the new people being recruited have far fresher and more intense reasons to seek vengeance.

In other words, things are going to get worse.

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