
The Big Pile of Shit

I think it was all the way back in 2023 when I first said that the US and Israel are going to have to eat a big pile of shit. Well, here it is.

The deal that Hamas agreed to back at the beginning of May was unacceptable because it leaves Hamas intact. Hamas is not surrendering and a permanent ceasefire means that the campaign to militarily destroy Hamas must end. Now to be clear, that military campaign was only strengthening Hamas, making it ridiculously easy for them to recruit. Their influence has expanded and grown and they enjoy far more support now than ever before. So this was the smart move as not finally eating the shit sandwich just meant more shit getting piled on to it. I really believe right now that the timing was dependent on the Trump verdicts - and Joe is hoping this Mission Accomplished moment goes by unnoticed while the rest of us are popping champagne over Trump's multiple felony convictions.

Anyways, both the US and Israel had staked everything on destroying Hamas. An impossible task. And now they have been forced to give up on it.

Biden opened his remarks by saying that Hamas has been reduced to not being able to fight back anymore. That they were no longer a threat to Israel's existence. Holy fucking shit - this was even true on October 7. Those attacks ONLY succeeded because Israel so badly fucked up their response. Hamas has NEVER been an existential threat to Israel - it's just a bunch of angry violent dudes with assault rifles and homemade bombs. Versus one of the most technological advanced militaries in the world backed by the infinite resources of the world's only superpower. That Hamas could not destroy Israel was ALWAYS true.

The Institute for the Study of War/Critical Threats recap for yesterday says that Hamas fired mortars and rockets at the Netzarim corridor. Just south of Gaza City. In the area the IDF has had "under control: since early November. And it was only 5 days ago that Hamas fired a volley of rockets from Rafah to Tel Aviv with a significant number of them evading the Iron Dome. But sure - "Hamas has been destroyed".

The most horrific part of all this, with Hamas still in place and almost certainly stronger than ever - is that all of the destruction was for nothing. Hamas had offered a deal for the return of all hostages way back in October.  I hope that this haunts Biden for the rest of his days - that his fucking racist ass whitey bullshit which lead to a stain on all of human history was all because of his stupid ass racist whitey bullshit. And that he has nothing but death and destruction to show for it.

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