
The Pulitzer Prize for Being a Cuck

So, as the handful of people who have found these posts already know, I've been commenting over at atrios' place. My early need to vent about war was fired off there - but it obviously wasn't enough and here I am, spilling out thousands of words into the void so they can get outside of my head. Anyways, I mention this so I can do a little "I told you so" dance.

Way back in November (IIRC), I'm not positive about the exact timing - I think this was the moment I first pissed a lot of atriot regulars off. It was a comment about the truce deal and what was going to happen afterwards and I said something along the lines of "how much of a cuck Biden is going to be". It's a bit of a shame that I can't dig up the specific comment as it is buried under a mountain of other comments, because I'm pretty sure I got it exactly right. Sure it's an offensive and demeaning term, loved and used by some of the worst people in the world. But it sure fit the situation at the time, and looking back at it now - well, I'm pretty sure this is one where I do get to pull an "I told you so".

Anyways, I bring this all up because we're potentially at another moment of epic cucking. Here's the context.

They threatened to arrest the dean of the school of journalism that hosts the PULITZER prizes & student journalists if they left PULITZER HALL to report on their own campus.

The Pulitzers are run by the Columbia Journalism School. That school and the prize both came from the endowment left by Joseph Pulitzer. They are very much tied to each other. And now, we just had police forces assault Columbia University (again) and directly threaten the Columbia Journalism School itself inside Pulitzer Hall, warning them that if they try to do journalism, they will be arrested.

The Pulitzer Prizes will be awarded on Monday. Less than a week after this assault.

It's possible that I will be pleasantly surprised. It's possible Columbia Journalism School will display some backbone and conviction to the principles of journalism. 

But it's also possible that another batch of prizes for journalism will be awarded without acknowledging Israel's open assault on journalists in Gaza. In the seven months since October 7th, Israel has killed more journalists and media workers than died in World War 2. Or Viet Nam. Or Russia-Ukraine. Or basically any other conflict in history except the Iraq War - and even there, Israel's journalist kill count is close to half way in less than one tenth the time.

It's also possible that the Pulitzers will go to support the budding fascism movement bent on violently crushing any criticism of Israel or any support of Palestinians. A reminder - the Polk Awards were given out earlier this year and the New York Times got one for their Israel-Palestine coverage - you know, including the major feature spreading the now debunked mass-rape propaganda. 

So I'm actually quite curious and interested to see what the Pulitzers do on Monday. There's an obvious good thing they can do - and then there's flushing their credibility down the toilet. And based on the repeated instances that American institutions have made when presented with this very choice in regards to Israel-Palestine, well I did say that I would be surprised if they did the right thing.

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