

CNN has an article up where they have an expert identify the munition used in the Tent Massacre. It’s a GBU 39 small diameter bomb made in the USA. A bomb which exploded amongst a number of tents where displaced Gazans where sheltering. In a space believed to be safe. Setting off a firestorm which resulted in massive and horrific casualties. 

An area that should not have been targeted sheltering Palestinians fleeing Israel’s war machine destroyed by fire. A very familiar story that has echoes of the early days of the military campaign. This is what happened at Al Ahli Hospital way back on October 17.  Nobody is following that anymore - there have been so fucking many more atrocities since then - so everyone just accepts the IDF claim that this was the result of a misfiring PIJ rocket. Despite those claims being debunked many times over. 

The Tent Massacre bomb was identified by shrapnel remnants of the tail. Identifying shrapnel pieces seems a pretty conclusive way to narrow down the type of bomb that was used. And someone did try to do that with Al Ahli:

The first piece labeled piece # 1 in the footage resembles a GBU-39 wing. Note that this piece is partially covered in the rubble at one of the ends (contained inside the oval). If we include the covered part, its length matches well that of the GBU-39 wing. The width also matches a GBU-39 wing width.

GBU-39. The US should be proud that they are the exclusive suppliers of Israel’s bomb of choice for creating firestorms that incinerate Palestinians sheltering in tents.  

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