
Spitting Images of Apartheid

While doomscrolling, I came across this video clip. It's presented as "haha funny, Israelis are blind to their own acts violating human rights - in 1989, and still relevant today". But the thing that gets me about it is the numbers. This clip is about the First Intifada - and the "widespread" human rights abuses committed by Israel legitimized the PLO and brought international condemnation. How "widespread" - what was the scope of the casualties in 1989 that lead to international action? Here are the points from 1989 and a comparison with today.

1989 - According to Amnesty International, Israel imprisoned more than 5000 people without trial in three years.

2023 - Israel imprisoned 5000 Palestinians between October 7 and October 21. What took them 3 years during the First Intifada, they accomplished in 2 weeks in October.

Between 1987 and 1989, Israel killed 540 unarmed demonstrators.

2023 - Since October 7, the official death toll has averaged about 250 per day. Even if you accept Israel's ludicrous assertion of only a 2:1 ratio of civilians to Hamas killed (and this ratio is absolutely pure bullshit) - Israel will still only need about half a week to kill 540 civilians.

Between 1987 and 1989, there were 110 children killed by Israel.

2023 - It's about 10,000 children in 100 days. So that shocking number from 1989 of children killed in two years - that's now the average daily death toll. Daily.

Edit: apparently a string of numbers separated by dashes get auto converted to phone number hyperlinks on ios mobile devices. 

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