
Update on How Well the Blogging is Going

Beit Hanoun is in the north east corner of the Gaza Strip. Wiki says that 52K people used to live there. It was one of the "Before and After" satellite image cities that showed the devastation being caused in Gaza. This article is from October 21. There's a clearing area at the top of the map and the after picture shows that even the dirt pathways through an open area have been obliterated. Two days ago, the IDF said that they had "full control" over the area. Again, this is the north east corner of the Gaza Strip. It's as close as anything in Gaza is allowed to be to the security fence. There's a Beit Hanoun crossing (that's been closed for ages). They bombed it into dust and it still took two months to gain full control - despite it being the part of Gaza most easily accessible to Israel. This is where the IDF took control of UNRWA schools, cleared them enough so they could plant explosives, and then filmed the senseless and unnecessary destruction while laughing and cheering in the background.

And that's the IDF saying they have "full control" - and as we all should know by now, the IDF lies.  There is fighting in Beit Hanoun right now. Hamas is filming their attacks on IDF positions here. Israel has hit it again with air strikes just a few hours ago. So, I guess that's how the military campaign is going - just "successes" everywhere.

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