
The Landslide Brought Me Down

Time for a break from doom and war. I can post about things other than doom and war - just because I haven't for almost a decade doesn't mean I can't.

I'm a pretty basic guy. Landslide is my favourite Fleetwood Mac song. It's catchy, it's fun - and everyone loves to sing along with "in the SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooow ... covered ... hiiIIIIIiiiIILs". It's a great song. So I kinda expected that there would be some awesome covers of it. Sure Stevie Nicks is a force of nature with a unique voice that owns the songs she sings, but covers aren't about pretending that you're the original artist. They are about making the song your own. So I set about finding covers of Landslide.

They all sucked. Every single one of them I listened to. Just garbage. No, that's too harsh  - some of them were not painful to listen to. The Dixie Chicks version is solidly "meh". And a lot of those musicians were clearly talented and they knew what they were doing and many of them knew who they were as artists - but nothing could hold a candle to the original. Just an endless stream of one failed cover after then next.

Until I discovered the existence of Ashley Slim Stevenson. And. Holy. Fucking. Shit. That song about strumming my face with his fingers? I finally understand. This artist sang through me like tornadoes go through a trailer park.

So I ended up binging her YouTube channel and just about everything on it is out-of-the-park monster performances. Here's a seasonal one:

I bought her album. It's good and you should get it. Anyways, like a junkie, I trolled the internet for more. She's a subway busker, so of course there's more - great songs punctuated by trains arriving in the station. There's a few other things as well - this is the earliest thing I found:

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