
Win Some, Lose Some

Worst possible outcome for me.  I was somewhere around D +5, which I guess shows my optimism.  Then again, the key factor in my previous predictions was incumbency - and if being incumbent means less at election time, that's not a bad thing.  Anyways, having called half the winners correctly, I neither look presciently clever nor moronic stupid enough for a Wash Post column.  Also Maine Prop 1 sucks like hell.

Okay, time to assess - McDonnell was a gimme, and polls were strongly in Christie's favour for the entire campaign season only tightening near the end.  NY-23 is the big story of the night having gone D for the first time in, like, a bajillion gillion years.  Actually, the real story is about outside interests with deep pockets being told off by a united electorate.  That's a big win.

No, my real disappointment from last night is Prop 1.  I can't believe that 52.7% of Mainers (Maine-ians?  Maine-ites?  Maine-ese?) voted for that sucker.  WTF went wrong there?  Anyways, I no longer feel bad about claiming that Moxie tastes like ass.


Substance McGravitas said...

Anyways, I no longer feel bad about claiming that Moxie tastes like ass.

Ass drinkers unite!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Teh Evil MSM has already decided that the Congressional wins for Democrats in NY-23 and CA-10 have to go down the memory hole.