
Viva Les Resolutions!

It's yet another Doomsday Year. Also too, election season for teh USA. Gonna be fun times.

So I missed 100 posts. But in doing so, I lurned a bit about meself. I'm not a blogger. I'm a commenter. Generally, when I write, I assume teh reader already has a lot of teh context and background. This is great when it's a reply comment in a thread headed up with a well written post - but it makes for shoddy original posts.

What does this mean? Basically nothing. I kinda knew all along and really, this blog hasn't affected my cavorting around in S,N! threads. Teh reason I started blogging in teh first place was because occasionally I need to vent in a longer format then is appropriate for a thread comment. Also too, serves as a way to get teh voices in my head out. Meaning that teh disconnected and highly unpolished nature of my posting is feature not bug. Which kinda sucks for teh two or three folks looking forward to descriptions of how I boned their moms - but teh muse only comes when you use teh up on teh downstroke technique she does.

So, yet another rambling streamofconsciousness intro. And here's teh funneh part - having lurned a bit about myself in failing to hit a hundred posts, Imma see if I can lurn something new for next year. So without further ado,

Staircase Twit Resolutions 2011

1. A hundred posts.
3. Finally get a blogroll up,,, well that one was easy.
4. Moar doggerel. Not necessarily about your mom.
5. Rationalize teh tag mess.

Happy Election Year guys.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I'm not a blogger. I'm a commenter. Generally, when I write, I assume teh reader already has a lot of teh context and background. This is great when it's a reply comment in a thread headed up with a well written post - but it makes for shoddy original posts.

You can cheat sometimes, expanding a comment on another site into a post. Hell, I've done that more than a couple of times.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hey thanks!

P.S. Good luck with the rest of 'em.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

If it counts for anything, I've always loved your posts at S,N and elsewhere. You're crazy smart and you make me and my mom laugh. So just do whatever it is you gotta do, and I'll be reading and laughing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck said...

B^4, I done did some of that too. And I've got another one brewing at this very moment. (SPOILER - Progressive Consumption Taxes)

thundra, thanx backatchya. Teh best part of these resolutions is that no one really cares whether I hit them or not. Teh one I missed last year taught me teh most, despite teh fact that P-shop taught me how to strap jetpacks to wolves.

vs, you are too kind - I'll pass my thanks to your mom in person. Anyways, that's part of what I'm working through right now - (with notably rare exceptions) my commentary at other places is higher quality than what I do here. I'm giving other people's blogs moar respect than I give my own. I'm still okay with that at teh moment since this blog was never intended to be full of polished gems of amazing genius. Merely a receptacle for teh rough and unadorned cast-off gems of amazing genius.

Substance McGravitas said...

Shorters totally count. Also posting a video.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I'll second that.

Whale Chowder said...

Hmph. You are clearly a fake. It's up-on-the-BACKstroke. My mom taught...


Whale Chowder said...

Dee Kay Dubbayew's dad
Has been quite roughly had
In doing most of the county
He's worn out his kneepads

His name is a legend
At the anal-lube store
But while he loves the menfolk
It's your mom who's the whore

Anonymous said...

Hi, guantanamera121212