
Teh East Coast is Backwards

How did the trip go? Pretty good - thanx 4 asking. Well, at least as good as two days in New Brunswick can get with a sixteen hour work-day stuck in the middle.

First night's dinner was on a patio in Bathurst and there was some sort of outdoor concert playing across the street at the waterfront park. Covers of that old time Rock 'n Roll - a totes serendipitous serenade. But the crowd sucked. I mean even worse than the folks at Bloodstock. Must have been a few hundred that turned out and they had about as much energy as a right blogger post-Cheeto-binge. If I were half the Dragon-King I was twenty years ago, I'd have taken a flamethrower to the place.

Anyways, no visit to New Brunswick is complete without a stop and then rolling backwards up Magnetic Hill.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If I were half the Dragon-King I was twenty years ago, I'd have taken a flamethrower to the place.

Sold out to THE MAN, I see.